Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Spotlight: Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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Every so often, I come across a special book. One that sucks me in immediately, turns me into a complete fangirl, and consumes me. It doesn't happen too often, and it's a wonderful surprise when it does. As someone who reads 100+ books a year, these rare ones stand out for all the right reasons, and they're ones I want everyone to read so we can all fangirl together. 

Daisy Jones & the Six is one of those rare finds. 

The book chronicles the rise and fall of a cult 1960s/1970s rock band, and talks about the abrupt ending and how it affected the members and their extended families. From the struggles of frontman Billy, to the wealthy yet sad upbringing of accidental frontwoman Daisy Jones, the narrator speaks to everyone about that time and finds out what they did afterwards. 

I knew at 9% in on my Kindle that this was one to try and slow down and enjoy, rather than race through. Although the band are fictional, this reads exactly like a real biography. Told in a unique interview style, this also works well on audiobook where an ensemble cast of over 20 (including Judy Greer and Benjamin Bratt) take on the characters and bring them to life. I wish the audio version had some original music on it - but I was delighted to discover a playlist featuring tracks that inspired the atmosphere of the story. 

I was also really happy to hear that Reese Witherspoon had acquired the TV rights to it - it's going to work so well as a series. There are three really strong female characters in the story - Camila, Karen, and our iconic frontwoman Daisy. Karen's story was fascinating to me, it gave me a real insight into feminism during the sixties. I adored Camila - funnily enough, she reminded me a lot of Melanie Hamilton from Gone With the Wind. She made difficult decisions and was determined to do the best thing for her family, and while I felt that her faith in Billy was sometimes undeserved, her strength and determination was admirable. I really liked her a lot. 

I loved the book so much that I bought a physical copy too - I purchased mine from Kennys, a great Irish website who provide free shipping. You can also purchase from:

I'd love to read more music based books, so if anyone has any suggestions please leave them in a comment below!

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