BOOKS 2017


Welcome! The book pages are without a doubt my favourite pages on the blog. On here, you'll find all the books I read throughout the year, with clickable covers so you can go directly to my review on Goodreads. If it's not clickable, I haven't read it yet. 

You'll also find links to the monthly book posts, information about book clubs, tags, challenges, subscription boxes, blog tours and book events or celebrations as they happen.

This is a series featuring books that I'd recommend, ones that I've rated the highest on Goodreads. Here are the choices so far - click a book cover to go to the post.


Click on a book cover to go to my full blog tour post. 


Click on a picture to go to the full unboxing post.


You can join Ireland's largest book club on Facebook here - The Rick O'Shea Book Club. I'll pop up the monthly picks as they go live - there are usually two picks every month, you can read one or both, it's up to you. There are also several book club events during the year, which you can find out about on the Book Club Website

























Every year, there are 24 books chosen for the Richard and Judy Book Club. 8 in Spring, 8 in Summer, and 8 in Autumn/Winter. I'll post them as they're released, and I'll link reviews as I read. You can follow the Book Club on their website and facebook page.








Click on an individual cover to go to my full Goodreads review. 






Blog Post: June Reads



Blog Post - August Reads



Blog Post - October Reads


Blog Post - November/December Reads


Blog Post - November/December Reads


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