Remember at the end of the last post back in September a whole four months ago when I said "I'll be back next week, I promise, I have it drafted already"?

This week we're up to Book 11, with the spotlight on my least favourite sitter.
Our miniature soccer mom Kristy opens up this book about snobs by being, well, a massive snob. She declares her new neighbourhood to be "full of snobs" because it's an affluent area and the neighbours appear to have money. This book also kicks off with a passing comment about how an elderly dog is limping, WHICH IS NEVER A GOOD SIGN. Louie is taken to the vet who diagnoses him with...being elderly.
Kristy runs into some preppy girls & they have a brief interaction in which they call each other names, and meets one of them later when she's out with Louie. Shannon Louisa Kilbourne and her dog "Princess Astrid of Grenville" slag Louie off, and suddenly I'm #TeamKristy all the way. GET HER, KRISTY.
When Kristy is sitting for some neighbours, Shannon prank calls her & tells her the house is on fire. Kristy freaks out before she realises what's happening and THIS. MEANS. WAR. Kristy gets Shannon back by sending "a man dressed as a stork" to her house to drop off "a huge package of diapers". Kristy, please. Who paid for this? This pranking goes back and forth, each one more juvenile than the last, until the girls eventually realise that they're not too different from each other after all.
The inevitable happens and Louie passes away, in a very sad scene (I BAWLED) that involves the family making the decision to put him to sleep. Shannon comes through and tells Kristy that she can have one of Astrid's puppies if she wants, the girls all become friends & Shannon joins Logan in becoming an official associate member of the BSC.
The style in this one is thin on the ground, as it tends to be when Kristy is the lead character, but luckily we have Myriah and Style Queen Gabbie Perkins to save us:
"In Gabbie's room, she found Myriah wearing a pink party dress with white tights and shiny Mary Jane shoes. But Gabbie had a different idea about getting dressed up. She was wearing one of her mother's slips, a necktie belonging to her father, a feather boa, a straw hat, sunglasses and snow boots"
Notable events in this book include:
The Perkins' shortlisting the names "Randy for a boy, or Randi for a girl" for their new baby. According to the CSO, there hasn't been a single Randy OR Randi born in Ireland between 1964 and 2019 (There is, however, a mini Sharon resurgence happening - after dropping off the face of the country for three years in 2014, the Sharons are on the rise again with 11 babies named Sharon in 2017, 2018, & 2019. Go team!).
The Pikes all having the Chicken Pox (with Claudia still expected to babysit them) and winding each other up by doing "the bizzer sign", a hand signal they invented to annoy each other. My twins also had something like this, it was a sound that they used to SCREAM at each other until I banned the two of them from saying it, so I can absolutely vouch for how annoying something like this can be.
M&Ms (location undisclosed)
Stacey reads an article called "Getting What You Want: Dealing With Difficult People the Easy Way". This could possibly be a reference to the famous self-help book by Robert M. Bramson entitled Coping With Difficult People, first published in 1981.
The Tenth Good Thing about Barney by Judith Viorst is mentioned, it's a children's book about dealing with pet loss.
Stacey knocks over some Lincoln Logs at the Delaney's house - I had never heard of these but they're very cool little logs used to build toy cabins & houses. They were inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 1999.
Book 12 is up next, Claudia has competition when a new artsy fartsy girl comes to town. What will happen? Excellent style, that's what.
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